7 Amazing Beauty Uses for Tomatoes

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Tomatoes rarely come up in conversation unless I’m ordering a salad or veggie burger. But after senior style editor Ellie asked me about the beauty benefits of the juicy red fruit, I’ve discovered more than enough reasons to make it a part of my daily routine.

It turns out that tomatoes contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that work wonders when you slice them open and put them on your hair or face. Lycopene, the carotenoid that gives the tomato its red color, is key in reversing signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A also helps to heal and repair damaged skin cells. And it gets even better! Behold, seven amazing uses for tomatoes.

1. Cleanse and tone skin. Get your hands messy and mash one tomato and one avocado into a facial mask. Smooth onto your skin and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. (Tip: Because tomatoes are highly acidic, it may sting or burn. I always recommend testing a small area first.) The tomato deep-cleans dirt and debris, while the avocado restores moisture. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat face dry.

2. Shrink large pores. Combine one tablespoon of fresh tomato juice and two drops of lime juice in a small bowl. Dab a cotton swab into the mixture and swipe onto your face in upward circular motions. After about 10 minutes, rinse the pore-shrinking solution off with cool water.

3. Treat acne and remove blackheads. A tomato’s acidity is powerful enough to clear up pimples and blemishes. Simply apply the pulp to the affected area for up to 30 minutes each day, and then rinse off. Do this consistently over two weeks and you will begin to notice fewer breakouts.

4. Get rid of oily skin. The above routine can reduce shine, too. Vitamins C and A, as well as amino acids, are known for their oil-minimizing properties. Just be sure to follow up with a hydrating moisturizer immediately after cleansing.

5. Remedy sunburns. Laid out in the sun for too long and ended up with a painful burn? Soothe your skin by rubbing on a cool blend of tomato and yogurt.

6. Add shine to a dull complexion. Want glowing skin in under 15 minutes? No big deal when you’ve got tomato juice. Just add a bit of honey until you’ve created a thick paste. Rub the gooey mask onto your face, relax while it does its thing and then wash off.

7. Condition dry hair and relieve an itchy scalp. Once you’ve shampooed your hair, pour tomato juice onto your strands and leave on for five minutes. The homemade conditioner will not only remove buildup, but it will hydrate parched locks. Rinse with cold water.

Would you trade your anti-aging products for tomatoes?

Source: Huffington Post

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