Why You May Need To Eat More Chocolate

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Magnesium rich foods should be used in nearly every meal we consume.  Our current society is plagued with magnesium deficiency affecting an estimated 80% of individuals in the United States today.  The average standard diet consists of 175 mg/day of magnesium down from an average 500 mg/day representative of diets in the 1900’s.  Most people are just not consuming enough magnesium rich foods.

Dr. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is an American neurosurgeon and a pioneer in pain medicine.  He says, “Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency,” and that, “magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body.  A magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient deficiency.”

When the majority of people don’t meet the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for an essential nutrient, the health consequences are severe and extremely prevalent today. The top 12 best magnesium rich foods outlined below (including chocolate) will allow you to replenish your magnesium levels and support your overall vitality and well-being.

Essential Role of Magnesium to Health

Magnesium plays a key role in intra-cellular health. It manages the electrical gradient within cells so that the nervous system is not easily excited. More than 300 enzymes alone require magnesium to perform their biological roles in tissue and organs.

The body relies on optimal magnesium absorption for:

  • Memory function
  • Regulating mood and stress
  • Muscle relaxation and sleep
  • Blood sugar control
  • Healthy bone density
  • Cardiovascular support
  • Detoxification pathways in the liver
  • Normal gut motility

Top Magnesium Rich Foods

Consuming magnesium rich foods in your daily diet can help you reduce complications associated with metabolic and inflammatory issues.  The biggest things that drain magnesium levels include blood sugar imbalances and chronic stress.

If you notice you are under an increased amount of stress or have enjoyed a high carbohydrate meal or dessert, then look to consume more of these magnesium rich foods and consider adding in a good magnesium supplement which I discuss at the bottom of this article.  Try to make at least 10 of these 12 magnesium rich foods staple parts of your daily nutrition plan.

1. Swiss Chard 

Dark leafy greens and are some of the richest sources of dietary magnesium. Green vegetables like Swiss chard offer nutrients like magnesium that buffer the pH of the body from the effects of acidic foods. Increasing dietary magnesium levels is critical to this homeostatic process because it prevents the minerals in bones from being depleted to perform this buffering effect.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a fiber-rich food loaded with nutrients like folate, potassium and vitamin B6 and is one of the best green vegetable sources for magnesium. Adding spinach to your diet is also easily accomplished. Use it in salads, add it to smoothies, prepare it in fresh juices and incorporate in almost any dish like omelets. The anti-inflammatory benefits of spinach will encourage muscle relaxation and reduce symptoms of constipation.

3. Grass-Fed Dairy

The acidity from conventional dairy products causes magnesium and other minerals to leach from bones, joints and muscle tissue. Raw grass-fed dairy, however, supplements the body’s nutritional need for magnesium. These sources also provide anti-inflammatory and sugar stabilizing nutrients like omega-3 fats and vitamin D.

4. Avocados

Avocados are a rich source of magnesium, B-complex vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, K and healthy fatty acids. Consuming avocados regularly can help slow the progression of neurological decline and stimulate serotonin and dopamine pathways in the brain.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Total health is dependent on the optimal function of the gastrointestinal tract. Cleansing the intestines is essential for eliminating toxins and impurities that can lead to systemic complications. The magnesium in pumpkin seeds improves gut motility by decreasing the amount of time it takes for waste to leave the colon.

6. Sea Vegetables

Known for the deep chlorophyll rich color, sea vegetables are also one of the top magnesium rich foods. The combination of chlorophyll and magnesium prevent the toxic accumulation of carcinogens in the nervous system while boosting nerve and brain function. Sea vegetables up-regulate antioxidant pathways to combat oxidative stress and prevent the depletion of magnesium levels.

7. Pink Salts

Compared to table salt which is toxic and can inhibit the proper absorption of magnesium into the body, pink salts provide vital trace minerals for health. Examples are Himalayan pink salt mined from volcanic sea deposits. The trace minerals they contain are reflected in their natural pink hues.

8. Nuts

Almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, and macadamia nuts contain magnesium to help preserve bone density, support cardiovascular health and regulate blood sugar levels. The magnesium in nuts increases testosterone levels aiding in strength, muscle recovery and protein synthesis for metabolism. Nuts are an excellent snack for any athlete to offset the magnesium deficits that occur from increased sweat and urination.

9. Dark Chocolate

You might be surprised to know that unsweetened dark cocoa powder is one of the highest sources of magnesium rich foods. A single ounce of dark chocolate provides 95 mg or about 24% of the recommended daily value of magnesium. Just be sure to consume non-processed chocolate that is greater than 70% cacao for its full health benefits.  The highest concentrations are in the raw cacao form but minimally processed dark chocolate is also good. Dr. William Sears recommends 2-3 squares of organic dark chocolate per day.

10. Wild-Caught Fish

Wild-caught fish like wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, and halibut offer about 80mg of magnesium in a 2.5 ounce serving which makes them one of the best magnesium rich foods. This food source has a deep nutrient profile because it is also a fantastic source of healthy fats, vitamin D and trace minerals.

11. Sprouts

Sprouts offer anti-carcinogenic properties and are packed with magnesium amongst a wide array of vitamins like A, B, C and micronutrients. Magnesium in sprouts provides health benefits for the skin, hair and slows the aging process.

12. Coffee

Given our fast-paced lifestyles, it is no surprise that coffee provides the number one source of antioxidants for Americans today. Drinking coffee in excess can deplete the body of its magnesium stores, but when consumed in normal concentrations, coffee is one of the great magnesium rich foods. Limit your coffee intake to about 1–2 cups as long as you feel good with that.  About 20% of the population are poor caffeine metabolizers; these individuals will have anxiety and irritability when consuming coffee and should avoid it.

Adapted by Dr. Jockers

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