25AprApril 26, 2017 By Coach Jessie 8 Ways To Use Coconut Oil for Your Skin Whether it’s dry skin, sensitive skin, oily skin or normal skin, this smooth, slick, tropical-smelling elixir will help make your skin supple and suContinue Reading→
22AprApril 22, 2017 By Coach Jessie 10 Earth Day Tips Today is Earth Day! It's an annual event that takes place on April 22nd. Organized and founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, and first celebrated in 1970Continue Reading→
04AprApril 4, 2017 By Coach Jessie Is Salt Causing Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease? We’ve long known that too much salt in your diet is a bad thing. The overconsumption of sodium, unfortunately common in the Standard American Diet oContinue Reading→