30JanJanuary 30, 2019 By Coach Jessie Not-So-Obvious Ways You Could Be Increasing Your Risk of Catching a Cold It’s that time of the year where the common cold is seemingly everywhere! It can feel like we are constantly surrounded by someone with a runny nosContinue Reading→
23JanJanuary 23, 2019 By Coach Jessie 4 Natural Oil Treatments for Dry, Winter Hair Winter weather can be harsh on your hair. The dry, cold air can leave you with a flaky scalp, broken hair, and a lot of frizz. Oil treatments are a gContinue Reading→
16JanJanuary 16, 2019 By Coach Jessie 6 Foods that Fight the Flu The seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads from person to person by coughing and sneezing and by touching an object or surfaceContinue Reading→
09JanJanuary 9, 2019 By Coach Jessie 11 Things To Know If You Made A Resolution To Get Fit So you've proclaimed 2019 to be the year you finally get fit. Now what? Between the workout-specific lingo, fancy gear and expensive gadgets, exerContinue Reading→