28OctOctober 28, 2020 By Coach Jessie Is Dark Chocolate Really Healthy? Who doesn’t crave the creamy, nutty, and well, downright chocolatey goodness of this dark brown delicacy every once in a while. If you stick witContinue Reading→
21OctOctober 21, 2020 By Coach Jessie 6 Ways to Maintain Dental Hygiene the Holistic Way Many holistic dentists view the health of the mouth as a window into the overall wellness of the whole person. If you have toxins or bacteria in yContinue Reading→
14OctOctober 14, 2020 By Coach Jessie 5 Foods For Breast Health Your fight against breast cancer begins now -- in the kitchen. While not all oncologists embrace the link between nutrition and a reduced risk, citinContinue Reading→