3 Ways to Freshen Up Your Diet and Exercise Routine This Spring

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Two Sundays ago marked the start of Daylight Savings Time, the unofficial start of spring here in the US. It’s the time of year when the days are finally getting longer, the temperatures are warming up, and many of us start organizing and cleaning our homes. But spring cleaning is not just for your home anymore—it’s just as important for us to clean (and brighten!) up other parts of our lives.

Freshening up your diet and workout routine is a great way to supercharge your health and boost your energy. Here are three easy ways to start off this season feeling rejuvenated, happy, and healthy:

1. Clean out your pantry

The first step is to sort through your cabinets and toss out anything that’s expired. Although canned items do have a longer shelf life, if it’s been in there for over a year, it’s probably best to chuck the contents and recycle the can to make rooms for fresher foods.

If you find that you slipped into any bad habits over the winter, now’s a good time to break them and start fresh. Go through your pantry and throw away any items that you feel are holding you down—whether it’s sugar, caffeine, or wheat–and replace them with healthy staples like herbs, spices, whole grains, oils, and teas.

2. Stock up on seasonal produce

Now that you’ve gotten rid of any expired items or foods that might slow you down, it’s time to stock up on lots of fresh seasonal produce.

Artichokes, peas (garden, snap, and snow) apricots, asparagus, rhubarb, and mint are examples of delicious spring produce that you’ll begin to see in your local famers market. Strawberries are another delicious and healthy spring treat. They are loaded with Vitamin C and make for a perfect sweet snack during the warmer months.

3. Switch up your fitness routine

Spring cleaning your lifestyle isn’t just about giving your pantry and fridge a makeover. If you want to boost your energy and health this spring, then it’s important to include exercise into your routine. By choosing a form of physical activity you enjoy, you’re more likely to make it a natural part of daily life. With spring comes nicer weather and longer days, which gives us the chance to get moving outside and enjoy nature.

If you’re tired of your same old gym routine, here are a few ways to switch things up: participate in a team sport, go for walks outside with friends, or try some fun new workouts.

What’s your favorite way to get ready for spring?

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