4 Easy Tips to Improve This During the Holidays

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Do you find it harder to sleep this time of year?

Perhaps it’s stress, or possibly excitement.

The challenge is, if you consistently lose too much sleep, you may feel it the next day. You’ll be less productive and more likely to say things you’ll regret later to people you care about.

Can you relate? Are you having trouble sleeping these days?

Here’s what you may not realize: When you don’t get enough sleep, your stress can actually go up the next day.

Not getting enough sleep can put your body in a state of “high alert,” which increases the production of stress hormones like cortisol…and guess what? That makes it harder to sleep the NEXT night.

It’s a vicious cycle!

So if you’re tired of this stress merry-go-round and you’re ready to start feeling more rested, here are 4 tips to support healthy sleep.

Tip #1: Grab some Ashwagandha Root and Leaf Extract, which:

  1. Helps alleviate the effects of stress and tension. Everyone feels stressed sometimes—that’s completely normal. Studies show this can help soothe that feeling.
  2. Promotes a healthy response to stress, so that your body is handling stress how it’s meant to.
  3. Promotes more restful sleep, so that your quality is great when you do fall asleep.

Tip #2: Banish mobile devices from your bedroom.

Plenty of sleep experts are recommending this right now. This has been one of THE most effective strategies for me to get better sleep. I’ve been using this strategy for over two decades, now.

Your phone, your tablet, and your computer are all asking your brain to do something—which makes it harder for you to “turn off” afterward.

A blue light filter can help. And if you watch TV, consider trying some blue-light-blocking glasses. But the best way to get more rest? Simply stop using them right before you sleep.

Tip #3: Try diffusing some lavender essential oil.

For thousands of years, humans have been using lavender for its soothing aroma in an attempt to get better sleep.

That’s why today, it’s one of the most popular tools for aromatherapy.

I am a HUGE believer. I keep a diffuser in my bedroom and at times diffuse lavender right before going to sleep. Sometimes we’ll even spray lavender on our pillows. It smells amazing!

Tip #4: Take a magnesium supplement.

This is an excellent source for sleep because it promotes calmness and it supports a positive outlook.

Could it be that you’re coming up short on this key nutrient?

A supplement is a super easy way to get it.

For adults, take 310 mg for females and 400 mg for males with water or your favorite beverage (be sure to check with your doctor, first!), and enjoy the results. To help relieve stress and anxiety, magnesium oil can be sprayed onto the arms, legs or abdomen and then gently rubbed into the skin to be fully absorbed. A bath or a foot soak featuring magnesium chloride and some essential oils can also be very relaxing.

There are just 24 more sleeps until Christmas…make sure they’re all good so you can be the person you want to be during this holiday season!

Adapted from Dr. Axe

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