The lime is a small, green citrus fruit that grows on trees in warm climates. Limes can be sweet or sour, depending on the variety. Most of the limes you’ll find in American grocery stores are a variety known as Persian limes, most of which are imported from Mexico.
While sweet limes aren’t commonly available in the United States, Americans may be familiar with the Persian lime’s smaller, tart cousin, the Key lime. Whether sweet or sour, limes have many health benefits.
Health Benefits
Citrus fruits can add a tart, zesty kick to almost any food or drink. But what are the health benefits of limes? While most people might only think of limes as a garnish, limes can pack a nutritional punch for your diet.
Here are a few health benefits of limes:
Reduce Inflammation
Limes contain antioxidants, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation and even help prevent certain chronic illnesses.
Protect Against Infection
The high levels of Vitamin C found in limes can help protect you from infection and speed up your body’s healing process.
Prevent Kidney S tones
Citrus fruits have been shown to help keep kidney stones at bay. The citric acid in lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits makes it more difficult for kidney stones to form.
Guard Against Stroke
Studies have shown that the flavonoids found in citrus fruit, including limes, may help protect against stroke, especially in women. Still, more research needs to be done into this subject.
Healthy Bones and Teeth
Bone and tooth development can also benefit from the Vitamin C found in limes.
Improve Your Immune Health
Vitamin C is vital to your immune health. Regularly eating limes, which are high in Vitamin C, can even help you stave off the common cold.
Source: WebMD