6 Ways to Maintain Dental Hygiene the Holistic Way

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Many holistic dentists view the health of the mouth as a window into the overall wellness of the whole person.

If you have toxins or bacteria in your mouth from poor dental hygiene or an unhealthy diet, they can easily travel to other parts of the body to create or exacerbate disease.

Dentists can assess the likelihood for certain diseases based on oral symptoms. For example, periodontal disease is an indicator for diabetes, and a thick white coating on the tongue can stem from internal candida.

So what would your mouth say about your current state of health?

Like most practices for optimal wellness that include a healthy diet, regular fitness, and a daily dose of primary food, all it takes to have good dental health is a little attention and knowing some helpful tips!

Here are 6 ways to maintain oral hygiene:

Oil pulling
This simple process involves rinsing your mouth with a tablespoon of coconut oil for approximately 15 minutes, and then spitting out the oil.  The reason it is called “oil pulling” is because the antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal components of coconut oil literally pull out any unhealthy microbes that may be hiding in your teeth and gums. This leaves your teeth looking whiter, feeling cleaner, and having decreased oral inflammation. It can even improve your sinus congestion! Just make sure not to swallow the toxin-filled oil when you’re done rinsing. Also, do not spit out the oil in the sink. Over time, this will lead to clogged pipes, as coconut oil usually solidifies under 76 degrees.

Tongue cleaning
If you’ve never heard of this apparatus, it is basically a U-shaped wire with rubber grips that is used to scrape the surface of the tongue to remove any unfriendly residue. Along with brushing, this will help to remove any toxins that may be lingering in the mouth. If you consistently have a white coating on your tongue, consider taking probiotics to control internal yeast.

Salt water rinse
Rinsing the mouth with a combination of warm water and pure quality sea salt (such as Himalayan sea salt) is a great way to lower inflammation after a dental procedure because it helps to soothe the soft membranes of your gums. It also has the effect of alkalizing your oral pH balance, which deters the proliferation of unwanted microbes.

Brushing alone can’t always remove the tiny food pieces that get caught in the crevices of your teeth, so flossing is a daily must in order to prevent cavities, remove plaque, and promote clean healthy gums.

Remove any mercury fillings
If you have any silver fillings in your mouth, they are likely made of mercury, an unsafe metal which has the potential to cause a wide range of illness symptoms in the human body. Find a specially-trained holistic dentist who is qualified and equipped to remove the mercury safely, then follow with a gentle cleanse that includes natural detoxifying foods, like cilantro!

Get regular check-ups
Seeing your dentist twice a year for cleanings is one of the best ways to catch the symptoms of an unhealthy mouth early, and keep your pearly whites looking and feeling their best.

How do you maintain your beautiful smile?


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