Author: Coach Jessie

  • Healthy Caffeine-Free Coffee Alternatives

    Healthy Caffeine-Free Coffee Alternatives

    If you are anything like me, and have been drinking coffee from when you can’t remember — yes, that long ago — then, you know for sure you are a coffee drinker. I still like my cup o’ Joe every so often. However, I do not have to have it daily. When I do, I am very… Read more

  • The Powerful Benefits of Pumpkin for Healthy Skin and Hair

    The Powerful Benefits of Pumpkin for Healthy Skin and Hair

    Autumn is officially here, which means it’s time to indulge in everything pumpkin. Good thing this signature fall vegetable is packed with vitamins and minerals including B vitamins, vitamin C, E and beta-carotene—just to name a few. Among its numerous health benefits, pumpkin also helps promote glowing skin and healthy hair. If you’re looking to… Read more

  • Why You Should Eat Two Apples a Day

    Why You Should Eat Two Apples a Day

    The old saying that eating an apple a day will keep the doctor away may have some scientific basis after all, as scientific literature is packed with findings that vouch for this fruit’s healthful benefits. Showing that the saying above goes beyond folk medicine fantasy, a study found that eating one apple a day for four weeks… Read more

  • Why Kids Need This, Too!

    Why Kids Need This, Too!

    School is officially open for all, across the country! While many parents are skeptical in sending their kids back to school for a full day, I can assure you there are just as many who are not as concerned with sickness, as they are using key ingredients to build up their children’s immune system. Enter one of the… Read more

  • An Exercise to Get You in Top Shape: The Forearm Plank

    An Exercise to Get You in Top Shape: The Forearm Plank

    By committing yourself to engaging in regular physical activity, you are setting yourself up for overall improved physical and mental health. A consistent workout routine will also help you build strength, feel more energized, and increase your focus throughout your day. Here is an exercise to to kick-start your fitness goals at home. And. today, it’s all about the core.… Read more

  • 5 Summer Scents That Will Boost Your Well-Being

    5 Summer Scents That Will Boost Your Well-Being

    With the Polar Vortex officially behind us, the time has finally come for the warmer, brighter, “consistent” weather many have been craving. And whether you’re most excited for the beach trips or the delicious food, there’s one thing that many summer favorites all share in common: Their aromas can benefit our well-being. In case you need… Read more

  • Get Beach-Weather Beautiful with…Apple Cider Vinegar?

    Get Beach-Weather Beautiful with…Apple Cider Vinegar?

    Apple cider vinegar may be replacing coconut oil as our favorite health- and beauty-boosting superfood. Add in the fact that it’s incredibly inexpensive and available at every corner store, and it’s pretty hard to beat. Of course, this is nothing new. ACV has been a natural tonic for different ailments since Hippocrates’ time. The fermented amber liquid… Read more

  • 7 June Superfoods

    7 June Superfoods

    If ever there were a time of year when it just feels right to eat well, June is it. The air is sweet and warm and there are oodles of healthy options in the grocery store (or, if you’re fortunate, the local farm stand) that can help keep you energized through the long summer days.… Read more

  • Hot Dogs: Most Not Fit to Consume

    Hot Dogs: Most Not Fit to Consume

    You know what we “typical” Americans like to do this weekend…of course…EAT! However, there is a major concern as to the proper nutrition we are getting from the foods we love to consume. And, Memorial Day is the “unofficial” kickoff to this summertime way of eating. Not to mention, OUR children in particular take pleasure… Read more

  • 4 Foods that Moisturize Your Skin

    Changing seasons can be tough on your skin. As the weather starts to warm up, you may notice that the skin routine you’ve been using all winter isn’t quite cutting it anymore. Your face may be dry, or your complexion dull. For the ultimate skin rejuvenator, there’s no need to spend big bucks on a… Read more