I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job
Author: Coach Jessie
Natural Skin Treatments for Summer Weather Woes
Summer’s gorgeous sunshine, soft breezes, and blooming flowers can make you want to linger outside for hours, but all the time outdoors can also mak
How Much Water Should I Drink to Stay Hydrated?
Water makes up about the difference between feeling drained and running like a well-oiled (read: hydrated) machine. Dehydration can set in, causing d
The Hidden Ingredient that Could Be Making You Sick
You'll find it in supposedly “less toxic” (but more expensive) deodorant...it's an ingredient that most don't recognize: carrageenan. It’s not a
Everything You Need to Know about Electrolytes
Consuming enough electrolytes is an important part of any Reboot plan but I often get asked where can I get them? So here’s a break down of everythi
7 Simple Ways to Get In More Exercise
You probably already know that physical activity is key to good health, but are you actually integrating movement into your daily routine? To
Gluten-Free Doesn’t Always Mean Healthy
The gluten-free trend is more popular than ever, and many people assume eating gluten-free will automatically make them lose weight, clear up digestiv