Author: Coach Jessie

  • The Hidden Ingredient that Could Be Making You Sick

    The Hidden Ingredient that Could Be Making You Sick

    You’ll find it in supposedly “less toxic” (but more expensive) deodorant…it’s an ingredient that most don’t recognize: carrageenan. It’s not an easy word to pronounce, and sure sounds like it doesn’t belong in or on the body. Turns out, carrageenan has attracted the attention of other label-reading, health-conscious folk. The ingredient, an additive derived from… Read more

  • Everything You Need to Know about Electrolytes

    Consuming enough electrolytes is an important part of any Reboot plan but I often get asked where can I get them? So here’s a break down of everything you need to know about electrolytes, where they come from, when to consume them, and our favorite juices to keep you full of them! Read more

  • 7 Simple Ways to Get In More Exercise

    You probably already know that physical activity is key to good health, but are you actually integrating movement into your daily routine? Today you’re going to learn seven simple ways to get in more exercise – none of which involve a fancy gym, a trainer breathing down your neck, or heavy-duty weights. One of the… Read more

  • Gluten-Free Doesn’t Always Mean Healthy

    The gluten-free trend is more popular than ever, and many people assume eating gluten-free will automatically make them lose weight, clear up digestive issues, and make their skin glow. Not so fast. When you go gluten-free, the instinct is to replace bread, cookies, and pancakes with gluten-free versions. The problem is that these processed foods… Read more