Avoid Pesky Pests with Natural Repellents

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Memorial Day is on the horizon and it is the official kickoff of the summer season (beach weather permitting). That means that you may be spending more quality time outdoors. And, with that comes some pesky pests I am quite certain no one enjoys having over for the barbecue.

Mosquitoes can be a nuisance. With their annoying faint buzzing comes a prick we receive when we least expect it. Soon thereafter the itching and swelling begins as our bodies react to the foreign attack. The itch and swelling can last anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks. As with health, in order to avoid mosquito bites, we have to exercise prevention as a first step.

Mosquitoes are attracted to several things. If we can reduce or even eliminate some of these things, we can greatly reduce the incidences of mosquito bites. Dark clothing, fruity/flowery fragrances, and moisture are just a few things mosquitoes are attracted to.

Repelling mosquitoes naturally

Forget using commercial varieties of mosquito repellent. They not only affect our health, but they also leave a rather unpleasant scent on our skin. Fortunately, we can take advantage of numerous plant-based oils – many of which do not require preparation. Many of these oils will need to be applied several times (every couple of hours) to be effective. Moreover, we will benefit from their pleasant aromas. Always ensure to mix and match the oils so that they deter mosquitoes much more effectively.

Some oils include:

– Citronella Oil
– Lemon Eucalyptus Oil
– Cinnamon Oil
– Castor Oil
– Rosemary Oil
– Lemongrass Oil
– Cedar Oil
– Peppermint Oil
– Clove Oil
– Geranium Oil

Adapted from Natural News

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