It’s that time of the year where the common cold is seemingly everywhere! It can feel like we are constantly surrounded by someone with a runny nos
Category: Blog
4 Natural Oil Treatments for Dry, Winter Hair
Winter weather can be harsh on your hair. The dry, cold air can leave you with a flaky scalp, broken hair, and a lot of frizz. Oil treatments are a g
6 Foods that Fight the Flu
The seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads from person to person by coughing and sneezing and by touching an object or surface
11 Things To Know If You Made A Resolution To Get Fit
So you've proclaimed 2019 to be the year you finally get fit. Now what? Between the workout-specific lingo, fancy gear and expensive gadgets, exer
How To Clear Your Mind In 10 Minutes Or Less [Infographic]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being, and mental illnesses are common and
3 Sweet Truths About The Health Benefits of Chocolate
Today is Valentine’s Day, and it’s no secret that this holiday is filled with lots of sweet indulgences. Heart-shaped chocolate boxes and decadent
4 Reasons to Celebrate Non-GMO Month
Did you know that October is officially Non-GMO Month? For almost a decade this month, retail stores nationwide will celebrate the consumer's right to
Don’t Do Away With the Yolk
Egg whites and not the yolk, huh!?!? For too long there has been a stigma that the yolk of an egg is high in cholesterol, even though skipping it s
DIY Natural Homemade Sunscreen
DIY Natural Homemade Sunscreen 1/4 cup coconut oil1 teaspoon carrot seed oil2 tablespoons shea butter2 tablespoons zinc oxide
7 Must-Have Foods for Natural Beauty Treatments
Harsh chemicals and unnatural ingredients do not have to be included when treating yourself to a nourishing spa treatment! Skin problems, such as dry