Here’s a powerful exercise to try: wherever you are, wherever you go, simply look at the people around you. According to recent findings from the
Category: Blog
Eat Chocolate for Heart Health?
A study from Harvard examined the chocolate-eating habits of over 31,000 Swedish women and concluded that women who consumed an average of
Not-So-Obvious Ways You Could Be Increasing Your Risk of Catching a Cold
It’s that time of the year where the common cold is seemingly everywhere! It can feel like we are constantly surrounded by someone with a runny nos
4 Natural Oil Treatments for Dry, Winter Hair
Winter weather can be harsh on your hair. The dry, cold air can leave you with a flaky scalp, broken hair, and a lot of frizz. Oil treatments are a g
6 Foods that Fight the Flu
The seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads from person to person by coughing and sneezing and by touching an object or surface
11 Things To Know If You Made A Resolution To Get Fit
So you've proclaimed 2019 to be the year you finally get fit. Now what? Between the workout-specific lingo, fancy gear and expensive gadgets, exer
5 Reasons to Avoid This Artificial Sweetener…Including Diabetics
Many of our friends and family members have been duped to believe that artificial sweeteners like Splenda® are saviors to prevent diabetes and obesit
Thanksgiving Turkey Tip
Focus on Protein When you’re trying to lose weight or just keep the weight off this time of year, focus on more good, quality protein foods. namel
4 Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon always seems to top the seasonal spice list – two tablespoons in your banana muffin mix, a heaping spoonful to the sweet potato mash, a spr
Diabetes Set to Rise to Alarming Rate…What Can You Do?
The rising rate of diabetes is a far cry from new news. As the Western diet of fast food continues to spread worldwide at a rapid pace, increased diab