Pain Relief Alternatives

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America experiences more pain than other countries. And, a third of Americans have pain often or very often.

I, personally, do not experience chronic pain on a regular basis, such as back aches, migraines, joint pain, etc.

This post is not all about relieving continuous chronic pain. However, after having to deal with a child who was in an accident, and needed some serious pain relief, I decided to forego the ibuprofen and resort on natural, safe, effective and non-addictive alternatives.

The healthy alternatives listed below will help tremendously sans the unhealthy side effects.

Calendula – Calendula oil is made by infusing marigold flowers in a carrier oil. This oil can be used on its own or to make ointments, creams, or salves.
I used the herbal supplement to be taken orally, as it is anti-inflammatory.

Curcumin – Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. This is what we use in curry dishes. I used a product called “Curamin” which contains a clinically proven curcumin that is significantly better absorbed than turmeric or plain curcumin products, along with a uniquely standardized boswellia extract.

Finally, after the skin heals from my son’s injury, I intend to combine two essential oils to improve the skin’s appearance: Calendula and Arnica, which is used for bruises and has anti-inflammatory properties.

As a health coach and a mother, I will always look for natural, safe and healthy alternatives to help aid the body’s healing, as opposed to synthetic chemically-induced drugs.

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