Tag: cancer

  • 11 Health Benefits of This Fruit of the Month

    11 Health Benefits of This Fruit of the Month

    If you’ve ever visited Mexico, Central America or the Caribbean, you may have been introduced to a delicious little fruit called the guava. Native to these tropical regions, the guava is a very popular fruit that’s been associated with a number of valuable health benefits. Guavas are known for their sweet, tangy flavor and variety… Read more

  • Grapefruit: Health Hero or Health Villain?

    Grapefruit: Health Hero or Health Villain?

    In the 1970s and 80s, the average US resident was eating about 25 pounds of grapefruit every year. But decades later, that figure has plummeted to a measly pound and a half. Why the precipitous drop in the popularity of this softball-sized, sweet, and bitter fruit? Two things, really. The first was the decline of the Grapefruit Diet, a Hollywood-led… Read more

  • Why You Should Eat Two Apples a Day

    Why You Should Eat Two Apples a Day

    The old saying that eating an apple a day will keep the doctor away may have some scientific basis after all, as scientific literature is packed with findings that vouch for this fruit’s healthful benefits. Showing that the saying above goes beyond folk medicine fantasy, a study found that eating one apple a day for four weeks… Read more

  • 4 Ingredients to Watch Out for in Your Sunscreen

    4 Ingredients to Watch Out for in Your Sunscreen

    I do not have such fair skin, where painful sunburns happen very, very easily. Aside from the standard discomfort, peeling, itching, and stinging, extended sun damage can result in sun poisoning and even worse – skin cancer. However, I do still need to protect my skin from the sun’s rays. Even so, I’ve found that… Read more

  • Is Soy Healthy or Not?

    Is Soy Healthy or Not?

    Soy is one of those foods that tends to be both vilified and glorified.  One day it’s good for you, the next it’s bad, depending on who you listen to. So, here’s the real scoop. A lot of the soy confusion centers around cancer. Does soy prevent cancer or promote it? Much of the controversy… Read more

  • Five Must-Knows on the Dangers of Synthetic Fragrance

    Five Must-Knows on the Dangers of Synthetic Fragrance

    1.What is “fragrance?” More than 95 percent of the chemicals in synthetic fragrances are derived from petrochemicals. These chemicals include: benzene derivatives, aldehydes, phthalates, and a slew of other known toxins that are capable of causing cancer, birth defects, nervous-system disorders and allergies–some of which are cited on the EPA’s hazardous waste list. 2. Where… Read more