23OctOctober 23, 2019 By Coach Jessie 11 Homemade Cures For Dry Cold Weather Skin If your kitchen cupboards and refrigerator bins are stocked with fresh finds from the farmer's market, I'm sure you'd like to get as much use out of Continue Reading→
10JanJanuary 10, 2018 By Coach Jessie 7 Tips for Healthier Winter Skin and Hair It’s wintertime and "Baby, it's cold outside!" Whipping winds, dry air, and chilly temperatures can really do a number on soft skin and hair. Cold aContinue Reading→
28Jun By Coach Jessie 7 Must-Have Foods for Natural Beauty Treatments Harsh chemicals and unnatural ingredients do not have to be included when treating yourself to a nourishing spa treatment! Skin problems, such as dry Continue Reading→
08FebFebruary 8, 2017 By Coach Jessie Best Oil for Dry Dehydrated Winter Skin And, the winner is... Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is a good all-round moisturizer as it’s rich in fatty acids, vitamin A and E. Olive oil is simContinue Reading→