Tag: exercise

  • Heart Health: How Young is Too Young for Hypertension?

    Heart Health: How Young is Too Young for Hypertension?

    Here’s a powerful exercise to try: wherever you are, wherever you go, simply look at the people around you. According to recent findings from the American Heart Association, one third of everyone you see has high blood pressure. Hypertension is not just for grandfathers any longer. A whopping one in three Americans now have it. According to… Read more

  • Not-So-Obvious Ways You Could Be Increasing Your Risk of Catching a Cold

    Not-So-Obvious Ways You Could Be Increasing Your Risk of Catching a Cold

    It’s that time of the year where the common cold is seemingly everywhere! It can feel like we are constantly surrounded by someone with a runny nose or hacking cough. Steering clear of a winter cold or illness can feel like a never-ending battle, and sometimes you can just hope for the best. One of… Read more

  • 11 Things To Know If You Made A Resolution To Get Fit

    11 Things To Know If You Made A Resolution To Get Fit

    So you’ve proclaimed 2019 to be the year you finally get fit. Now what? Between the workout-specific lingo, fancy gear and expensive gadgets, exercise can feel a little bit like an unwelcoming club. But the last thing we want is for you beginners to be discouraged. That’s why we’ve decided to let all newcomers in… Read more

  • A Soccer-Inspired Workout to Do While You Watch the World Cup

    A Soccer-Inspired Workout to Do While You Watch the World Cup

    For soccer fans, today’s field goal by the famous soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal, was exhilarating – against Morocco. Portugal beat them 1-0. Even for non-soccer fans, it’s hard to not be impressed by the physical feats the players perform on the field. Not only do they kick the ball impossibly far, execute eye-boggling… Read more

  • Surefire Strategies to Stay Fit From Thanksgiving to New Years

    Surefire Strategies to Stay Fit From Thanksgiving to New Years

    Between pies and more pies, it can be pretty tough to stay active during the holiday season. A cornucopia of family obligations, work parties, and last-minute shopping means that hitting the gym often gets delayed or crossed off the schedule altogether. Not this year! There are 35 days between Thanksgiving and New Years Day, so… Read more

  • 5 Reasons Why Summer Is Good For Your Heart

    5 Reasons Why Summer Is Good For Your Heart

    The lazy, hazy days of summer are good for your heart — but not because we tend to be lazier or hazier. Quite the opposite. Seasonal changes bring changes to our lifestyles, and summer just happens to be the season where we live a bit healthier. Here are 5 reasons why summer is especially good… Read more

  • Everything You Need to Know about Electrolytes

    Consuming enough electrolytes is an important part of any Reboot plan but I often get asked where can I get them? So here’s a break down of everything you need to know about electrolytes, where they come from, when to consume them, and our favorite juices to keep you full of them! Read more

  • 7 Simple Ways to Get In More Exercise

    You probably already know that physical activity is key to good health, but are you actually integrating movement into your daily routine? Today you’re going to learn seven simple ways to get in more exercise – none of which involve a fancy gym, a trainer breathing down your neck, or heavy-duty weights. One of the… Read more