No one likes to get a cold or flu. Recent research confirms many ways we can stay healthy. For example, studies have shown that people with vitamin D
Tag: flu
Onions Ward Off Sickness! Myth or Fact?
There's some buzz that onions absorb germs from the air. Its also been said that this has been known for centuries and that in medieval times onions
The #1 Virus-Fighting Fruit*, Plus…
Most historians typically trace its healing abilities back to Hippocrates, the ancient Greek known as the “father of medicine,” wh
6 Foods that Fight the Flu
The seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads from person to person by coughing and sneezing and by touching an object or surface
Eat to Beat the Cold and Flu Season
With a cough and a sniffle, cold and flu season is not right around the's here! Do you know of anyone who has already been out sick? Chanc
Natural Ways to Boost Your Immunity for Fall
Cold and flu season is approaching, and the sooner you begin your immune-boosting regimen, the better your chances of staying vibrant and healthy all
Why This May Be a “Sure Cure” for the Flu (Tips)
Whether you decided (or will decide) to get the flu vaccination or not, you can take precautions to avoid the flu or to help reduce symptoms once you
Flu Epidemic Prevention and Remedies
The seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads from person to person by coughing and sneezing and by touching an object or surface
Cold and Flu-Fighting Breakfast…with a Twist
Maybe you are not sniffling, as yet, but cold and flu season is upon us. Just over 2 percent of Americans have had the flu so far this season and near