Tag: immune boosting

  • Eat Your Vitamins, Minerals, and Dirt

    Eat Your Vitamins, Minerals, and Dirt

    It might not just be what’s in your food that’s keeping you healthy – it may also be what’s on it. Since the dawn of human existence, people have lived symbiotically with the millions of microbes that surround us all the time. However, with the invention of antibiotics and a rise in germophobia, people may not be interacting enough… Read more

  • Natural Ways to Boost Your Immunity for Fall

    Natural Ways to Boost Your Immunity for Fall

    Cold and flu season is approaching, and the sooner you begin your immune-boosting regimen, the better your chances of staying vibrant and healthy all year long. We all know the commonsense measures: Get enough sleep, practice good hygiene and healthy stress reduction, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and take immune-boosting supplements. Some Ways to… Read more

  • Why This May Be a “Sure Cure” for the Flu  (Tips)

    Why This May Be a “Sure Cure” for the Flu  (Tips)

    Whether you decided (or will decide) to get the flu vaccination or not, you can take precautions to avoid the flu or to help reduce symptoms once you recognize them.  Below are some suggestions to lower your risk and ease the onslaught of those symptoms. Wash hands frequently, especially when arriving at work, after shaking… Read more

  • Cold and Flu-Fighting Breakfast…with a Twist

    Cold and Flu-Fighting Breakfast…with a Twist

    Maybe you are not sniffling, as yet, but cold and flu season is upon us. Just over 2 percent of Americans have had the flu so far this season and nearly 7 percent have caught a cold…typical numbers for October, according to Gallup. More like 8 to 10 percent of people will be sniffling come… Read more