Tag: inflammation

  • 11 Health Benefits of This Fruit of the Month

    11 Health Benefits of This Fruit of the Month

    If you’ve ever visited Mexico, Central America or the Caribbean, you may have been introduced to a delicious little fruit called the guava. Native to these tropical regions, the guava is a very popular fruit that’s been associated with a number of valuable health benefits. Guavas are known for their sweet, tangy flavor and variety… Read more

  • 5 Reasons Why You Should Grab a Stalk of This

    5 Reasons Why You Should Grab a Stalk of This

    I always considered celery a pretty humdrum vegetable. Many of us know celery best as the veggie left on the crudités platter when the carrots, red peppers, and cherry tomatoes are gone, the bite in an immune-boosting cold-weather soup, or the perfect vehicle for peanut butter and raisins (more on this later, along with recipe).… Read more

  • 6 Health Benefits of Limes

    6 Health Benefits of Limes

    The lime is a small, green citrus fruit that grows on trees in warm climates. Limes can be sweet or sour, depending on the variety. Most of the limes you’ll find in American grocery stores are a variety known as Persian limes, most of which are imported from Mexico. While sweet limes aren’t commonly available… Read more

  • Is Salt Causing Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease?

    Is Salt Causing Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease?

    We’ve long known that too much salt in your diet is a bad thing. The overconsumption of sodium, unfortunately common in the Standard American Diet of fast food and highly processed packaged goods, has been strongly linked to high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Now there’s even more reason to ditch the canned soup… Read more

  • The Hidden Ingredient that Could Be Making You Sick

    The Hidden Ingredient that Could Be Making You Sick

    You’ll find it in supposedly “less toxic” (but more expensive) deodorant…it’s an ingredient that most don’t recognize: carrageenan. It’s not an easy word to pronounce, and sure sounds like it doesn’t belong in or on the body. Turns out, carrageenan has attracted the attention of other label-reading, health-conscious folk. The ingredient, an additive derived from… Read more