19FebFebruary 19, 2025 By Coach Jessie 8 Simple Steps To Stay Strong & Healthy In This Season What Is Our Immune System? Every day, our bodies encounter countless harmful microbes. Thankfully, our immune system works around the clock to proContinue Reading→
23JanJanuary 23, 2019 By Coach Jessie 4 Natural Oil Treatments for Dry, Winter Hair Winter weather can be harsh on your hair. The dry, cold air can leave you with a flaky scalp, broken hair, and a lot of frizz. Oil treatments are a gContinue Reading→
24Jan By Coach Jessie Why Winter Is a Great Time to Start Gardening I know that gardening must be the last thing on anyone’s mind, nowadays. And, if you value eating local produce that’s free of pesticides and GMOâContinue Reading→
10JanJanuary 10, 2018 By Coach Jessie 7 Tips for Healthier Winter Skin and Hair It’s wintertime and "Baby, it's cold outside!" Whipping winds, dry air, and chilly temperatures can really do a number on soft skin and hair. Cold aContinue Reading→
08FebFebruary 8, 2017 By Coach Jessie Best Oil for Dry Dehydrated Winter Skin And, the winner is... Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is a good all-round moisturizer as it’s rich in fatty acids, vitamin A and E. Olive oil is simContinue Reading→