Thanksgiving Turkey Tip

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Focus on Protein

When you’re trying to lose weight or just keep the weight off this time of year, focus on more good, quality protein foods. namely turkey.

Turkey is amazing. It’s full of tryptophan, protein and other amino acids that can really support your immune system, which can help improve your mood. There are a lot of healthy benefits of turkey, so when you’re loading up that plate Thanksgiving Day, pack on the turkey. The tryptophan helps the body make niacin and serotonin — which helps your mood — turkey contains selenium, phosphorus and B vitamins.

As a food high in phosphorus, turkey also helps the body make protein and use carbs and fats, thus helping prevent weight gain. It’s loaded with beneficial B vitamin content — namely niacin, vitamin B6 and riboflavin — and turkey also benefits digestion, brain development, immunity, metabolism and red blood cell production. (56)

Take it easy on the gravy, and the stuffing, but you can have your turkey piled high. Don’t forget to add lots of good vegetables to your Thanksgiving plate.

Take this turkey tip to help lImit weight gain and keep those pants from getting too tight!








Adapted from Dr. Axe

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