This Essential Nutrient Is Making Its Mark

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What Is CoQIO?

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQIO) is a vitamin-like nutrient synthesized by the body and essential to energy production. There are two forms: subiquinone and ubiquinol. “Our cells simply cannot function without CoQ10,” says natural health expert Michael T. Murray, ND.

Do You need more?

People most in need of CoQ10 are those with cardiovascular disease; studies have shown that the energizing nutrient helps to reduce blood pressure, stop blood vessel damage, and strengthen the heart muscle. Also, statin drugs (used to treat high cholesterol) deplete the body’s CoQ10—it’s vital to replenish CoQ10 with a supplement while taking statins. Some research suggests a benefit for those with Parkinson’s disease as well.

More Health Benefits

CoQ10, which is a powerful antioxidant, helps to stabilize mood, increase energy, boost muscle recovery after exercise, enhance immune function, and ease inflammation, migraines, gum disease, and fibromyalgia symptoms.

Tidbit: Taking CoQ10 supplements for at least three months was shown to improve overall sperm health, according to a study in the journal Andrologia.

Supplement Options

Choose from softgel, capsule, chewable, and liquid/emulsion forms. Some supplement experts believe that ubiquinol is better absorbed than ubiquinone. Recent innovations in supplement manufacturing, however, have helped to enhance ubiquinone’s bioavailability.

Dosage Guidelines

A typical dosage is 90-150 mg daily; however, you can use 300-600 mg daily (in divided doses) if addressing a particular health issue (e g., congestive heart failure). Always take CoQ10, a fatsoluble nutrient, with a tiny bit of fat (e.g., 1-2 tsp. coconut oil) for better absorption.

Boost Your CoQ10 Levels Naturally

Eat Sardines:They’re a food source of CoQIO. Look for wild caught, freshly packed products.

Exercise: In one recent study from the journal Biogerontology, researchers found that higher physical activity among seniors was associated with higher blood levels of CoQ10, says Murray.

Are You Low in CoQ10?

Some possible signs that you need more CoQio:

  • Blood sugar regulation problems
  • Gingivitis/poor gum health
  • Heart problems, including angina and arrhythmia
  • High blood pressure
  • Statin drug use, particularly with achy joints/muscles and fatigue
  • Stomach ulcers
Source: Better Nutrition

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