Why This May Be a “Sure Cure” for the Flu  (Tips)

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Whether you decided (or will decide) to get the flu vaccination or not, you can take precautions to avoid the flu or to help reduce symptoms once you recognize them.  Below are some suggestions to lower your risk and ease the onslaught of those symptoms.

Wash hands frequently, especially when arriving at work, after shaking hands, using a phone, handling money, etc.

Gargle 2-3 times a day with warm salt water. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. Don’t underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful method.

Boost natural immunity with foods and supplements.

Use supplements Vitamin C, E, and Zinc, as well as Oreganol (wild oregano oil). Five drops (no more) in some water taken 2-3 times per day can wipe out flu virus when symptoms start to come on.

Drink warm liquids often. These will drown the virus out of the throat and into the stomach where they die and leave you free to be healthy and happy.

Use hypoallergenic natural hand sanitizers.

Use sanitizing towelettes to clean work surfaces such as phones, chair arms, desks, computer keyboards, door handles, door knobs, etc.

Cover your mouth with your arm while coughing or sneezing and promptly wash your hands afterward.

Minimize exposure to others who are ill.

Oscillococcinum, a homeopathic remedy, works very well for many once you’ve come down with the flu.

And, finally, the “sure cure” to fighting the flu:

Elderberry syrup (aka Sambucol) is a very good immune booster for flu.

American Indians have a long history of using Elderberries, primarily for the treatment of infections. Elderberries contain anti-inflammatory bioflavonoids that have been shown in test tube studies to inhibit viral growth. Specifically, elderberry flavonoids can stifle the activity of a protein needed by the flu virus to multiply and spread. It’s no surprise that elderberry is especially effective against viral infections such as the flu and the common cold.

The flowers and fruit of the elderberry shrub (Sambucus nigra) have a long history of use for treating colds and flu, but Dr. Andrew Weill says that an elderberry extract called Sambucol® — which has been studied in Israel — is indicated for flu, not for colds. And, while it does appear to shorten the duration of flu symptoms, it works more as a treatment for the flu.

My findings? As a holistic mother of three children who have attended (and still do attend) public school, I have chosen to use alternative methods to help them with their ailments. Although they did not encounter a lot of sickness — thank God — I have used Sambucus elderberry extract and have found that it did help boost their immune system resulting in a shorter bout of whatever they were encountering at the time.

So the next time you hear a sneeze (or a cough) nearby, consider adding elderberry to your medicine cabinet, and you’ll be well prepared for this winter season and those forthcoming.

How are you dealing with flu season?  Do you have any recommendations?

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