Scientifically known as Zingiber officinale, this flowering plant native to Southeast Asia, is now cultivated in many parts of the world. It is prima
Author: Coach Jessie
Does This Really Keep the Doctor Away?
Old adages usually survive because they’re based on common experience. Everyone has heard the old saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor aw
A Great Workout Recovery Beverage
Its sweet taste, coupled with its nutritional benefits, made it popular among general masses, especially children. National Chocolate Milk Day hig
Benefits of This HOT Heart-Healthy Immune-Booster
Hot peppers have been used for cooking and medical purposes for ages, and the serrano pepper is one of them. Not only does it share the characteri
This “Non-Flower” Fruit Supports Weight Management?
Since ancient times, figs have been associated with health and prosperity. They’re symbolically linked to Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture
6 Things You Didn’t Know About Grapes
Grapes! There are now over 10,000 different varieties grown worldwide, across many different terrains and in an array of different climates
8 Reasons Why You Want This Fruit
Avocados, with their creamy texture and distinct nutty flavor, have earned their reputation as a nutritional powerhouse and a culinary delight. Nativ
Protection From The Sun Without Sunscreen
From increasing your vitamin D levels to boosting your mood, sunlight can improve your health in numerous ways. But unprotected exposure to
Why Eat the Rainbow Every Day
“Eat the rainbow” is a fundamental healthy eating tip. (And no, we don’t mean artificially colored foods like Skittles or M&Ms!) But wha
Men’s Healthy Eating Game Plan
Because of poor health habits, lack of health insurance, failure to seek medical attention, and dangerous occupations, men live sicker and die younge