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Category: Blog
Chickens Are Eating Arsenic? Time to Buy Organic
Prozac. Tylenol. Benadryl. Though these may sound like the contents of a medicine cabinet, they are in fact the chemicals that are being routinely fe
Pro Tips to Stay Hydrated This Summer
We are only three and a half weeks into summer. We have a long way to go, yet. And, where I live there will be a drastic shift to higher temperatures
Summer’s Best and Worst Foods
Just as winter ended and excitement was building for the chance to have outdoor gatherings again, we get hit with a pandemic sending&n
Are You Making These Mistakes When Buying Supplements?
Supplements do have a number of benefits...from building a healthy immune defense and gut immunity to supporting your digestive tract, skin health
The 9 Foods You Should Be Eating For Your Skin This Summer
Summer is of last Saturday at 5:43 PM ET! Now, we need to think about how this season might affect how you look and feel—an
How to Naturally Strengthen Your Bones
For many, bone density holds cause for concern and the lingering diagnosis of osteoporosis is a name none of us want to hear. Whether you are in yo
Too Much Exercise Can Be Harmful
BENEFITS OF HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING: OVEREXERTION IS DANGEROUS Long distance running is a great example in which overexertion can take pl
13 Ways to Stay Healthy While Staying Indoors
There's no doubt some of us have been spending way more time indoors, since this current pandemic. This, unfortunately, leads to new health problems.
Which foods, exactly, promote health and longevity?
Thousands of studies tell us exactly which foods can extend your life – and which ones can shorten it. But do you know which foods belong on which