Our news

  • Avoid Pesky Pests with Natural Repellents

    Memorial Day is on the horizon and it is the official kickoff of the summer season (beach weather permitting). That means that you may be spending more quality time outdoors. And, with that comes some pesky pests I am quite certain no one enjoys having over for the barbecue. Mosquitoes can be a nuisance. With…


  • How To Clear Your Mind In 10 Minutes Or Less [Infographic]

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being, and mental illnesses are common and treatable. When we engage in prevention and early identification, we can help reduce the burden of mental illness. We all know that we should avoid stress, but life can sure get in the…


  • Easy Ways to Make your Home More Eco-Friendly

    We all want to do our part to protect the environment, but without a large paycheck, that can be seem difficult, if not impossible. Yet, doing your part doesn’t have to be hard. Small steps add up to a big difference, you just have to know which ones to take. Use less water. Saving water…


  • Superfood of the Month: Spinach

    March is National Nutrition Month, a nutrition education campaign which focuses on the importance of making good food choices. Food science studies continue to show that eating spinach helps improve health and reduce the risk of many health issues, from cancer to memory loss to strokes. Here’s just a short list of what makes Spinach…


  • 3 Sweet Truths About The Health Benefits of Chocolate

    Today is Valentine’s Day, and it’s no secret that this holiday is filled with lots of sweet indulgences. Heart-shaped chocolate boxes and decadent chocolate desserts are just about everywhere this time of year, causing many of us to wonder if any of these chocolaty treats are actually good for us. Research shows that chocolate can…


  • Why This May Be a “Sure Cure” for the Flu  (Tips)

    Whether you decided (or will decide) to get the flu vaccination or not, you can take precautions to avoid the flu or to help reduce symptoms once you recognize them.  Below are some suggestions to lower your risk and ease the onslaught of those symptoms. Wash hands frequently, especially when arriving at work, after shaking…


  • Why Winter Is a Great Time to Start Gardening

    I know that gardening must be the last thing on anyone’s mind, nowadays. And, if you value eating local produce that’s free of pesticides and GMO’s, winter gardening may be the perfect solution to getting seasonal, healthy produce when the mercury dips to indecent levels. Even harvesting one food from your backyard or indoor garden…


  • Flu Epidemic Prevention and Remedies

    The seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads from person to person by coughing and sneezing and by touching an object or surface with the flu virus on it. On average, 5 to 20 percent of us will get the flu each year.  But, have no fear! If you’re like me and all…


  • 7 Tips for Healthier Winter Skin and Hair

    It’s wintertime and “Baby, it’s cold outside!” Whipping winds, dry air, and chilly temperatures can really do a number on soft skin and hair. Cold air outside and central heat indoors can strip moisture from strands and pores, making hair rough and skin itchy and dry. But endure cracked hands no more: items hiding in…


  • “Happy” Holiday Tips

    It can get really frustrating and stressful about now, if you don’t have a plan.  So, follow these tips to ensure optimal relaxation and less stress. Tip #1: Make your list and check it twice!  Can you imagine getting to the store and NOT having your list? Then, to top it off, you forgot about…