Tag: electrolytes

  • A Great Workout Recovery Beverage

    A Great Workout Recovery Beverage

    Its sweet taste, coupled with its nutritional benefits, made it popular among general masses, especially children. National Chocolate Milk Day highlights how chocolate milk has become a vital part of American food culture with its numerous uses, from being a morning breakfast drink to serving as an after-workout refuel. Chocolate milk is often touted as… Read more

  • Pro Tips to Stay Hydrated This Summer

    Pro Tips to Stay Hydrated This Summer

    We are only three and a half weeks into summer. We have a long way to go, yet. And, where I live there will be a drastic shift to higher temperatures lasting at least a week, beginning this weekend. This makes the body suddenly need more hydration and electrolytes than it does in any other… Read more

  • Everything You Need to Know about Electrolytes

    Consuming enough electrolytes is an important part of any Reboot plan but I often get asked where can I get them? So here’s a break down of everything you need to know about electrolytes, where they come from, when to consume them, and our favorite juices to keep you full of them! Read more