Tag: medications

  • Grapefruit: Health Hero or Health Villain?

    Grapefruit: Health Hero or Health Villain?

    In the 1970s and 80s, the average US resident was eating about 25 pounds of grapefruit every year. But decades later, that figure has plummeted to a measly pound and a half. Why the precipitous drop in the popularity of this softball-sized, sweet, and bitter fruit? Two things, really. The first was the decline of the Grapefruit Diet, a Hollywood-led… Read more

  • 4 Ways to Naturally Cure Allergies

    4 Ways to Naturally Cure Allergies

    Early summer is one of my favorite times of year. With all the sunshine and greenery, it’s hard not to be in a good mood! Unfortunately, with spring flowers come spring allergies. If you’re all too familiar with the itchy eyes, sneezing, and stuffiness that are the telltale signs of spring allergies, there may be… Read more