Tag: vegetables

  • Men’s Healthy Eating Game Plan

    Men’s Healthy Eating Game Plan

    Because of poor health habits, lack of health insurance, failure to seek medical attention, and dangerous occupations, men live sicker and die younger than women. Men die at higher rates for the top causes of death. This includes deaths from cancer, diabetes, suicide, and accidents and diseases of the heart, kidney and liver. Taking control… Read more

  • Remove Pesticides from Fruits & Veggies (How To)

    Remove Pesticides from Fruits & Veggies (How To)

    Almost everyone should be eating more fruits and vegetables. In the US, the average American only gets about half the recommended daily serving amounts, and even those amounts are less than the optimal amount of five-a-day. But do you know why it’s important not just to eat more fruits and vegetables, but also to wash your produce before… Read more

  • 5 Fruit and Veggie Basics

    5 Fruit and Veggie Basics

    September is National Fruits & Veggies Month. Did you know eating your fruits and vegetables is important? Not only are they nutritious, they may also offer protection against various diseases, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even certain types of cancers. Research has shown that a colorful diet is a great way to boost your… Read more

  • 5 Reasons Why You Should Grab a Stalk of This

    5 Reasons Why You Should Grab a Stalk of This

    I always considered celery a pretty humdrum vegetable. Many of us know celery best as the veggie left on the crudités platter when the carrots, red peppers, and cherry tomatoes are gone, the bite in an immune-boosting cold-weather soup, or the perfect vehicle for peanut butter and raisins (more on this later, along with recipe).… Read more

  • Why Eating by Color Matters

    Why Eating by Color Matters

    Many of us love the idea of a diverse, colorful salad because it is visually appealing. But beyond creating a vibrant plate, did you know varying your colors is good for your health? Identifying the multitude of health benefits for each individual food can be a challenge, even for a savvy Health Coach. There’s just so… Read more

  • 5 of These Can Help You Live Longer

    5 of These Can Help You Live Longer

    It’s hardly shocking to hear that you should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Mother knows best — she always told you to eat your veggies so that you could grow up to be a big boy (or girl). But, a new study is breaking down exactly how many you need of each to live… Read more

  • Make This “Smelly” Veggie Taste Good

    Make This “Smelly” Veggie Taste Good

    Cabbage may not be the prettiest or best-smelling vegetable, but don’t let its appearance or aroma when boiled fool you. If you give cabbage a chance, you may come to realize it has more to offer than just a lingering odor in your kitchen. So what’s the deal with cabbage? Is it really good for… Read more

  • Blenders vs. Juicers: Pros & Cons

    Blenders vs. Juicers: Pros & Cons

    Does getting 10 servings a day of fruits and vegetables sound like a tall order? For many of us, it can be. In fact, most Americans consume fewer than three servings a day. If you’re not getting that magic 10, there are a few things you can do. One, of course, is to make an effort… Read more

  • 7 June Superfoods

    7 June Superfoods

    If ever there were a time of year when it just feels right to eat well, June is it. The air is sweet and warm and there are oodles of healthy options in the grocery store (or, if you’re fortunate, the local farm stand) that can help keep you energized through the long summer days.… Read more

  • Spring Slimdown Tips

    Spring Slimdown Tips

    Now that the weather is getting warmer, and you are shedding layers of clothes, it’s natural to start thinking about new weight-loss goals. It’s easy just to resolve to eat less and exercise more. But a vague statement like that does not always work. It’s important to set goals and a timeline and plan ahead… Read more