Category: Blog

  • 4 Ways to Naturally Cure Allergies

    4 Ways to Naturally Cure Allergies

    Early summer is one of my favorite times of year. With all the sunshine and greenery, it’s hard not to be in a good mood! Unfortunately, with spring flowers come spring allergies. If you’re all too familiar with the itchy eyes, sneezing, and stuffiness that are the telltale signs of spring allergies, there may be… Read more

  • 7 Things You Didn’t Know About…Seaweed

    7 Things You Didn’t Know About…Seaweed

    The idea of eating seaweed might sound a bit odd, but if you’ve ever had sushi before, then you’ve already done it! The black paper-like sheet that holds your fish and rice together, called nori, is just one of the many types of edible seaweeds. Nori comes from Japan, as does hijiki, arame, wakame, and… Read more

  • This Essential Nutrient Is Making Its Mark

    This Essential Nutrient Is Making Its Mark

    What Is CoQIO? Coenzyme Q10 (CoQIO) is a vitamin-like nutrient synthesized by the body and essential to energy production. There are two forms: subiquinone and ubiquinol. “Our cells simply cannot function without CoQ10,” says natural health expert Michael T. Murray, ND. Do You need more? People most in need of CoQ10 are those with cardiovascular… Read more

  • 7 Top Tips for Feeling More Energetic!

    7 Top Tips for Feeling More Energetic!

    Do you sometimes have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Are you waking up in the middle of the night or before your alarm goes off? It’s important for you to understand what’s causing your sleep struggles, and use tips like the ones below to prepare for a restful night. Getting enough sleep has a… Read more

  • 8 Ways To Use Coconut Oil for Your Skin

    8 Ways To Use Coconut Oil for Your Skin

    Whether it’s dry skin, sensitive skin, oily skin or normal skin, this smooth, slick, tropical-smelling elixir will help make your skin supple and sumptuous. Coconut oil’s main fat is lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid that positively impacts cholesterol levels. It also contains vitamins E and K, and iron, and has both antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties.… Read more

  • 10 Earth Day Tips

    10 Earth Day Tips

    Today is Earth Day! It’s an annual event that takes place on April 22nd. Organized and founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, and first celebrated in 1970 focused on the United States, it was taken internationally in 1990. Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. What can… Read more

  • Is Salt Causing Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease?

    Is Salt Causing Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease?

    We’ve long known that too much salt in your diet is a bad thing. The overconsumption of sodium, unfortunately common in the Standard American Diet of fast food and highly processed packaged goods, has been strongly linked to high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Now there’s even more reason to ditch the canned soup… Read more

  • Beating Allergies the Natural Way

    Beating Allergies the Natural Way

    After this long winter, many of us are welcoming the end of March with open arms. We’re eager for the sun, warmer temperatures, and all of the new growth signaling that spring has finally arrived. Unfortunately, for many, this time of year also signals the arrival of seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies can make life miserable… Read more

  • The Sweet Health Benefits of Maple Syrup

    The Sweet Health Benefits of Maple Syrup

    Though many of us associate maple syrup with the autumn months, it’s actually early spring when the sap begins to flow. So all this month, maple trees throughout the Northeastern states are being tapped to cultivate the thick, sweet goodness that we call maple syrup. The process will continue over the next few weeks when… Read more

  • 7 Fruits and Vegetables to Enjoy During National Nutrition Month

    7 Fruits and Vegetables to Enjoy During National Nutrition Month

    This month March, is National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme is “Put Your Best Fork Forward.” While of course, it is important to eat foods that are nutritious, taste is a key reason why people choose to eat what they do. Pairing good nutrition with great taste creates a win-win situation. National Nutrition Month, created… Read more